Helene von Bibra
Klinikum Grobhadern, Germany
Helene von Bibra studied medicine in Munich, Germany. She worked at Klinikum Großhadern, Munich, Kings College and Brompton Hospital, London, Municipal Hospital München-Schwabing and Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich receiving the Internal medicine and the Cardiology board certifications in 1983 and 1993. In 1999, she became appl. Professor for Internal Medicine/Cardiology of the Technical University, Munich. She became appl. Professor for Internal Medicine/Cardiology of the Technical University, Munich in 1999 and continued her scientific work as visiting professor in 1997 Linköping, Sweden, from 1998 – 2002 at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm and then at the Municipal Hospital Bogenhausen, Munich. Member of cardiologic/diabetologic societies: ESC since 2000 as FESC, EASD, DGK, DDG.
Abstract : Cardiometabolic syndrome and increased risk of heart failure