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Hilal Zaid

Qasemi Research Center- Al-Qasemi Academic College | Israel


Hilal Zaid is the head of Alqasemi Educational Research Center, a former head of the sciences teaching department and a senior researcher in biochemistry and cell biology at Al-Qasemi Academic College, Israel. Zaid received his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from the Ben-Gurion University, Israel on June 2005 and then was trained as a postdoctoral fellow at the Banting and Best Department of Medical Research, the University of Toronto. On 2006, he joined the Program in Cell Biology at the Hospital for Sick Children as a postdoctoral fellow until July 2008. He was recruited temporary at Ben-Gurion University as a research associate for 7 months. At the beginning of 2009 (until now), he established his own lab at Al-Qasemi Research Center, Al-Qasemi Academic College.


Abstract : Greco-Arab herbs as a source of anti-diabetic compounds